- Square peg problems
- Poor target audience definition
- Use of incorrect tactics for the situation
- Correct tactics don’t fit the budget
- Reliance on shortcuts and threats
- Principal/Agent problem
- Agency controls budget
- Agency controls timeline
- Agency controls upkeep
- Throwing more money at the problem/sunk-cost fallacy
- Management and operations
- Unqualified Manager
- Unclear roles
- Undefined Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Uncoordinated efforts
- Poor direction
- No budget/underfunded
- No tie to overall business goals and values
- Not part of the larger business plan
- No metrics or wrong metrics
- Misuse of metrics
- Too much brand confusion
- Translation problems
- Lack of shared lexicon/language
- Lack of marketing education in leadership
- Lack of published plan and structure
- Lack of brand guidelines
- Fear and stagnation
- Lack of inspiration
- Status quo over innovation
- Research is preferred to design
- Compliance is over rewarded
- Courage is punished
- “Worst customer knows best” (power of negative voices)
- Groundwork Failure
- Company policies not in place
- No vision, philosophy or value statements to provide guidance
- Lack of strategy/not codified
- Absent of leadership expertise in key areas:
- Legal
- Financial
- Product
- Marketing
- Support
- Total alignment failure across all functional areas
- Lack of leadership support systems
- Confusion and resentment in the chain of command